Today on Behind the Editor...

... corny title ain't it?


The giant card and tiny card wiki are NOW UP!

I will have them linked here, but if you want to know where they are linked, go to the Custom Monster Spawn wiki. The links are below each table. Say, for Giant cards, it's under the giants table. You get what I mean.

BUT if you're too lazy to do so (and I know we have those lazy days where we simply don't want to  click click click), the links are here!

Right now, I am still working on a leveling guide. I'm not sure where to post it though and HOW to deliver it. If you can tell by how much I've been ranting about it in-game, it literally equates to "I have to get this through as if I'm not talking to that person."

Next, the long-time on hiatus element table. I am STILL flipping through logs about that. It's frustrating, okay? I'm just thankful that it gave me something to do over the weekend while I don't have that much of a pile of homework. Heck, I only have Cisco to worry about.

IF you have any other questions and/or suggestions about what should go on the wiki, don't hesitate to bug me in-game or on Facebook, if you know who I really am. If you would like to reach me though on FB and you don't know my real name (haha), my pseudo name is Shota Kaizoku. On Twitter (if y'all even HAVE Twitter), my handle is @meinkatsu. You can also go old-school and email me at

That is all. Enjoy your day. Nothing can go wrong if you just smile okay? :)



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